Sandeep Khurana Study Visa Mentor

About Me

About Me
About Me

Hello! I'm Sandeep Khurana

We rely upon the belief that there is a great scope for travel and international education. We provide assessment and review services, presenting an impartial and clear assessment for those who want to learn, reside and settle overseas. We are aware of the guidelines and regulations for acceptance into numerous courses in esteemed universities all over the globe, focusing on recent programs in any discipline.

Sandeep Khurana - Study Visa mentor
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Visa Granted
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Years Of Experiences

See My Achievements

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USA Study Visa Granted

510+ Students


Australia Study Visa Granted

435+ Students


UK Study Visa Granted

377+ Students


Canada Study Visa Granted

424+ students

Do You Want to go abroad for higher studies?

Let’s fulfill your dream together. Start your journey with Me and My Team now!

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